Company Introduction

Moulins du Nil Blanc

Through the oyster mushrooms value chain in Rubavu District, nearly 400 small farmers with a very small land, little investment and great will have had the ambition to create horticultural micro-enterprises with an innovative business model.

Enabling Rwandan coffee producers to receive a stable income by recuperating the tons of waste material generated by washing the coffee cherries and cultivating mushrooms on it.

What We Do

Our Products & Impact

Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster Mushrooms

Organic Fertilizers

Organic Fertilizers

Training Producers

Training Producers

Family Vegetable Garden

Family Vegetable Garden

Avocado Tree Nursery

Avocado Tree Nursery

Our Oyster Mushrooms are grown in organic family farming by Kivu Farms, in the beautiful terroir of Kigufi in the Highlands of Kivu, Rubavu district, and Western province in Rwanda.

Full of aroma, Kigufi oyster mushrooms give your dishes a light nutty taste. Plus, they offer a great alternative to meat.

Delivering Innovative and Proven
Agricultural Information & Technologies

Mushroom is a species of fungi
consumed by humans.

Oyster Mushrooms

Edible Mushrooms like Oysters, Agaricus, and Shiitake etc. are known to be the largest of fungi. Mushroom cultivation has a long history, with over twenty species commercially cultivated. Mushroom farming is not very popular, but it is very lucrative, most especially because of the demand for it by foreigners and local people in Rwanda specially in Rubavu District.
Moulins Du Nil Blanc, Solidev, Circular agriculture in Rwanda, agriculture project Rwanda, Zilipa Nyirabyago, glenn vanderbeke fotograaf, glenn vanderbekek photographer

Moulins Du Nil Blanc